Art of Words Publications


I Am the Descendant of a King    

As a result of the shared thoughts of a King, A Dream was born.

In the dream every human who believes they can, will achieve in the effort to make life better for themselves and for the lives of others around them.

As we strive to make a difference, we realize that everyone has a struggle. Because we realize the Dream, there are those of us who see the struggle as the opportunity to make an impact.  

I Am the Descendant of a King  

Though sometimes dim, the light of life shines on the road less traveled and it is at that moment, it is understood that there are choices and our decisions are a result of our individual efforts.

As Descendants you can make the choice to follow in the footsteps of your ancestors and deliver, by way of example, what it means to never allow A Dream to dissipate.  

I Am the Descendant of a King  

Yesterday’s thoughts are continuing to impact lives today. The world as we know it is a result of what is now written in history, The Story of a King.

A legacy that has not only started a movement but has also created a family of warriors.

As a result of the known and unknown sacrifices of one known to many, we can now stand proud and we who have chosen to make an impact feel connected.

Today, because of a dream and a story which is now a legacy known to all of mankind, may we continue to make the choice to stand together and feel connected through spirit not only to realize but to also keep the Dream of a King alive.  


Words by

Edna Box

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